WiFi for events

Festivals, outdoor/indoor events and press conferences

Installation of temporary WiFi networks

ZAP's team specializes in the installation of temporary WiFi networks for indoor and outdoor events. Whether it is to provide coverage over an entire site or in an area limited to a sponsorship activation site, we can provide you with a custom solution.

Our solutions are efficient and adaptable to your reality. For wifi coverage in a park, a commercial street, an arena, a library or the local community centre, our team will accompany you throughout the process.

We offer a turnkey solution.

You would like to meet us and evaluate your project?

Contact André Boisvert, general manager, andre@zapwifipublic.ca

Sur le terrain

Our team

For 14 years now, ZAP (formerly Île sans fil) has been developing public WiFi zones. We are now the largest public WiFi network in Canada.

ZAP 1-888-254-8832 / (438) 476-1526